Your individual OneDrive files (those owned by you) can be easily accessed in multiple ways.

Accessing OneDrive Files and Folders via the Web

You can access your OneDrive files from any computer with an Internet connection using a web browser and logging into

  1. Open the web browser of your choosing and go to
  2. Log in with your Penn State userid and password
  3. In the upper left corner, click the App launcher square (looks like a 2D rubics cube)
  4. Select the OneDrive app (blue cloud)

Accessing OneDrive Files and Folders Via File Explorer on your Computer

If your computer has the OneDrive app installed on it, you can access your OneDrive files from within File Explorer on your computer. NOTE: There are settings that can be configured to determine if specific files or folders should be available at all times from within File Explorer, be available on demand when you are connected to the Internet or remain only in your OneDrive on the web. Visit the Using and Configuring OneDrive page for more details.

  1. Open the OneDrive app, if not already and log in with your Penn State userid and password
  2. Open the File Explorer and you should see a drive titled "OneDrive - The Pennsylvania State University"
  3. Click to open/expand the drive to work with your files and folders