This How To reviews some of the basic tasks when receiving calls via MS Teams.

Receiving a Call 

When you have an incoming call, a window will appear in the bottom right corner of your screen.

Teams to Teams call:

incoming Teams to Teams.jpg

Internal call from outside PSU (Windows):

incoming call win.jpg

Internal call from outside PSU (Mac):

incoming mac.jpg

To answer, click anywhere in the call window or on the purple button. 

To decline the call, click the red button (see the How to for setting unanswered call preferences). 

Placing a Call on Hold  

From the call window, click the Hold button from the top menu bar. hold.png

When ready, click the Resume button from the top menu bar. 


Transferring a Call 

From the call window, click the Transfer button from the top menu bar. transfer.png

Select your transfer preference: 

Transfer -  

  1. Click the Transfer option. 
  2. Enter the name of the contact or number of the person to whom you want to transfer the call. 
  3. Toggle the slider on if you would like the call to ring back to you in unanswered after transfer. 

Consult then transfer - 

  1. Click the Consult then transfer option. 
  2. Enter the name of the contact or number of the person to whom you want to transfer the call. 
  3. Click the purple Chat button to type a note to the individual prior to transferring the call – OR- 
  4. Click the arrow to the right of the Chat button and select Teams Audio Call to speak with the individual prior to transferring the call. 
  5. Click the Transfer button. 
