Updates to NSF's FAQ on Current & Pending Support forms

NSF issued some updates to its FAQ on Current & Pending Support forms. Highlights:

  1. Honoraria have to be reported as “Current & Pending Support” if the payment is related to research oversight, research supervision, and/or co-authoring of research papers.
  2. If a pending proposal is funded, you should report the change whenever your next annual or final project report is due.
  3. Current and pending support information may be provided through use of either SciENcv or the NSF fillable PDF formal. Upon implementation of the next PAPPG (anticipated January 2023), submission of this information will be required through use of SciENcv only. Use of the NSF fillable format will no longer be permitted. NSF guidance for transitioning to SciENcv can be found here.

Additional guidance including an updated questionnaire can be found here.

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