You may be asked by an entity of the Commonwealth to provide a SAP# in order to receive payment from them. If you have not previously registered in the program, please follow the "partnering" process as follows:
Since Penn State has a SAP vendor number (141597), it is possible to fax a request for a "partner" number which will give you a 3-digit extension number to be added to Penn State's 6-digit number. When one of the state agencies has to cut a check to Penn State, they will look down through the list until they find your department name and/or the proper address.
The request can be faxed to CVMU at 717-214-0140.
Questions can be directed to 717-214-2868 or toll free at 866-775-2868
Below is an example of such a request.
I am requesting a partner SAP Vendor Number with The Pennsylvania State University (Vendor #141597; Tax ID 246000376) so that state agencies such as the PA Game Commission can pay registration fees for the PA Game Breeders Annual Meeting and the PA Poultry Sales & Service Conference. The partner number should be in the following name, as shown on the attached registration form:
Department of Poultry Science
The Pennsylvania State University
213 Henning Building
University Park, PA 16802
Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for your attention to this request.
(Posted on 2/1/2007)