An extension agent's personal civil rights file should contain materials which document implementation of the: (1) Public Notification Plan (PNP), and (2) All Reasonable Efforts (ARE), for reaching either racial minority or other underrepresented clientele.
Suggested documents and/or materials to include in a personal civil rights file are:
- Newspaper press releases; it is preferred that a copy of the actual newspaper be stapled to the agent's press releases.
- Copies of letters sent to minority community leaders, or grass roots organizations inviting their members to participate in extension educational programs, activities; or invitations to serve on extension advisory boards/committees.
- Copies of nondiscrimination post cards signed by: (1) officials of local private organizations or groups receiving extension program assistance; and, (2) leaders of 4-H clubs or leaders of Homemaker groups.
- Copies of the "All Reasonable Efforts" (ARE) documentation forms.
- Copies of newsletters, radio and/or TV messages, and/or other media contacts.
- Mailing lists which denote race, gender, and physical disability of recipients.
- Evidence of adaptation of program curriculum materials which are intended to reach racial minority and/or underrepresented audiences.
There is a suggested time frame for maintaining documentation on civil rights outreach efforts. This time frame is three (3) years--the current program year plus the past two program years. Further, only a representative sample of these materials should be maintained. However, this information should provide a good representation of outreach activities and efforts to project equal opportunity.
Penn State Extension on-site civil rights assessment reviews would not look at documentation beyond the three year time frame. Also, it is unlikely that a NIFA civil rights audit would involve reviewing documentation materials older than three years unless there is action taken that might pertain to a civil rights complaint.
Office of Access and Equity
205 Ag Administration BuildingUniversity Park, PA 16802
- Email
- Office 814-863-0082
Office of Access and Equity
205 Ag Administration BuildingUniversity Park, PA 16802
- Email
- Office 814-863-0082