2011 Penn State Soil Judging Team. Back row, L-R: Kyle Medash, Jess Thomas, John Driscoll, Kristen Kyler. Front Row, L-R: Brittany Fabin, April Doroski, Katie Clark.
Rhode Island
A colorful composition.
Rhode Island
April hard at work.
Rhode Island
Brittany in a contest pit.
Rhode Island
Donald Parizek helping run the contest (NRCS Connecticut)
Rhode Island
Example contest pit.
Rhode Island
Front, Dr. Drohan; Back, L-R, Kristen Kyler, Kyle Medash, Jess Thomas, Brittany Fabin, April Doroski, Mike Marsicano, Katie Clark and John Driscoll.
Rhode Island
Jess headed to her last pit.
Rhode Island
John getting ready to go back into a contest pit.
Rhode Island
John (left) and Kyle (right) are really, really excited. Trust us.
Rhode Island
Katie calling horizons.
Rhode Island
Kristen, Jess, and April (Team B, 1st in Group Judging).
Rhode Island
Kristen glad to be done.
Rhode Island
Penn State working past dark. (Jim Turrene photo).
Rhode Island
Rhode Island inceptisol on a drumlin near Jamestown.
Rhode Island
Secret codes for pit notation (Mike Marsicano, graduate student coach).