The initial intention of this study was to determine how fecal grab lube affects the recorded pH of the feces.
Researchers: Kira Hydock and Sam Nissley
However, Kira and Sam quickly learned that just simply measuring the pH would be a challenge. Much of the research utilizing fecal pH as an analytical measurement uses a 1:1 ratio of water to feces, yet there is often no explanation as to why this was the chosen ratio. Thus, the research project turned into one to determine the best method for analyzing fecal pH. Several ratios of water to feces were tested (1:1 water-to-feces ration, 2:1, and 3:1) in addition to pure fecal liquid. So far, twenty different fecal samples have been analyzed. Kira and Sam are currently working on the statistical analysis of these samples in order evaluate whether or not fecal liquid alone provides a more accurate measurement of fecal pH versus the accuracy obtained when water is included in a ratio with fecal material.