(Revised March 25, 2007)
Article I
Section 1. It shall be the purpose of this council to unite the various organizations and departments in the College of Agricultural Sciences into one operative entity to promote the welfare and physical conditions in the College of Agricultural Sciences; to establish, foster and develop a spirit of unity, friendship, and sociability among, the students and faculty of the University, particularly in the College of Agricultural Sciences; to create in the students a spirit of pride in and zeal for agriculture; to maintain and ever promote high standards of scholarship and character among, students within the classroom and in extra- curricular activities and to help promote the College of Agricultural Sciences in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Article II
Section 1. There shall be two types of members in the Agricultural Student Council. Active members are currently employed faculty, staff, and currently enrolled students. Active members may vote, hold office, and officiate for or on behalf of the Agricultural Student Council. There must be fifty percent plus one active members who are undergraduate students.
Section 2. Associate members are all others who are interested in furthering the purpose of the organization yet do not fall under the criteria for being an active member. Associate members may not vote, hold office, preside, officiate, or solicit funds for the Agricultural Student Council.
Section 3. The Agricultural Student Council shall be composed of two elected representatives from each agricultural student organization. Representatives must be considered active members, in order to properly represent and vote for their clubs/organizations. Any active member who wishes to be a member of the Ag Student Council, but is not a representative to any organization, shall be considered an independent representative. One will be considered an independent representative only if the individual is present for the whole duration of the first or second meeting of each semester in order to establish their name and record with the Parliamentarian.
Section 4. Any agricultural student organization with a constitution that has been ratified by the University Supreme Court is eligible for membership in the Agricultural Student Council. Application to the Council shall be made in the form of a written request to the Council president. The applying club shall be accepted upon a two-thirds majority of voting members at a regularly scheduled meeting. If membership is denied, reapplication can be made on a semester basis. Official notification of acceptance or rejection will be in the form of a written letter to the organization president from the Council secretary.
Section 5. Any department with an undergraduate major which does not have a curriculum club may propose any student to represent that department and major in the Agricultural Student Council. The student's name will be submitted to the Council to be approved or rejected. The same procedure will also apply for any major in the Associate Degree Programs. Each major will be entitled to one representative to Agricultural Student Council, to be proposed by the department for action by the Agricultural Student Council.
Section 6. Each club representative on Council is entitled to designate an alternate from the same organization as the representative. Independent representatives may not designate an alternate for themselves.
Section 7. When a club representative of Council misses one meeting, without sending an alternate, a check mark shall be placed on his/her attendance record. When the representative misses his/her second consecutive meeting without sending an alternate, the Council secretary shall send a card to the club president and/or advisor station that their organization has not been fully represented due to the absence of the said delegate from the two previous Agricultural Student Council meetings. If a representative is not present at the next Council meeting, the club will lose that vote for the rest of the individual's term. Independent representatives will undergo the same criteria as mentioned above. After a second missed meeting a card shall be sent to the individual notifying them of their absence. If an independent representative fails to attend a third meeting, that individual loses his/her vote for the rest of that semester.
Article III
Section 1. Only full-time, officially registered students shall be eligible to serve as appointed or elected officers in the Agricultural Student Council. Officers of Council must have served a minimum of one semester as a member of Council and/or actively participated in Council activities for one semester.
Section 2. The officers of Agricultural Student Council shall be known as the president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and parliamentarian.
Section 3. It shall be the duty of the president to preside at all meetings, to direct or appoint committees and to call meeting-s. In the absence of the president, the vice-president or the next ranking, officer in the order named in Article III, Section 2 shall perform the duty. The president shall prepare an agenda before each meeting and provide for an executive meeting prior to the regular meeting.
Section 4. It shall be the duty of the vice-president to preside at all meetings in the absence of the president. The vice-president shall be an ex-officio member and assist in the coordination of all committees, coordinate updates to the Program of Activities, and arrange for programs at meetings.
Section 5. It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep minutes of all meetings and to attend to correspondence. In addition, the secretary must submit a new officers list to the UPUA, as well as a copy of the current constitution.
Section 6. It shall be the duty of the treasurer to receive and transfer all funds of Council to the Associated Student Activities Office. The ASA will be responsible for holding, all income and writing checks for all disbursements. The treasurer shall also keep a careful account of all expenditures and receipts, and shall authorize the ASA to write checks for only those disbursements which Council has approved. The outgoing treasurer, after closing, his/her books, shall have them audited by the advisors, and shall then turn them over to the incoming, treasurer. The treasurer shall prepare and propose a budget to gain ASA restricted funds.
Section 7. It shall be the duty of the parliamentarian to keep an official copy of the Constitution of Agricultural Student Council, a copy of Robert's Rules of Order, to maintain listserv/attendance records in conjunction with the secretary as outlined in Article II, Section 7, and distribute copies of the newly revised Program of Activities and Constitution to Council members within a month after the beginning, of fall semester. The parliamentarian shall be responsible for reserving rooms for the regular Ag Student Council meetings
Section 8. The officers shall be elected in the order as named in Article III, Section 2 between the 7th and 9th weeks of the Spring semester and shall serve the succeeding year during which Council is active or until their successors have been elected and installed. Installation, including oath of office, shall take place at the first meeting, following the elections. Council officers may be removed for non-performance of duty by a 2/3 vote of the eligible members present at a regular meeting. Fifty percent plus one of the total membership is needed as a quorum when removing an officer.
Section 9. Club representatives elected to offices of the Council need not be reinstated by the representative club. In the event that they are not reinstated, they shall retain their offices.
Section 10. Vacancies occurring in any office of the Council caused by resignation, removal, or otherwise, shall be filled by election for the unexpired term of office, except for the president, in which case the vice-president shall be the successor and an election shall be held for a new vice-president.
Section 11. No officer shall succeed himself/herself.
Section 12. Fifty percent of-the total membership of the Agricultural Student Council is needed as a quorum when filling a vacancy of office.
Section 13. The majority shall be defined as fifty percent plus one of active member votes. If no one candidate receives fifty percent plus one votes, the candidate with the lowest percentage of votes is dropped from the ballot and another vote is conducted with the remaining candidates. The majority is derived from the active membership at the meeting-.
Article IV
Section 1. Meetings of the Council shall be held on the 2 nd & 4 th Tuesday of the month during the fall and spring, semesters, unless otherwise specified by the executive committee. There should be a minimum number of four meetings per semester.
Section 2. The president shall have the power to call special meetings whenever necessary.
Section 3. Adequate advance notice must be given to the membership at all times.
Article V
Section 1. Only active members of the Agricultural Student Council may vote.
Section 2. A 50% of the total membership of the Agricultural Student in Council shall constitute a quorum to vote.
Section 3. The majority shall be defined as fifty percent plus one of active member votes. The majority is derived from the active membership at the meeting.
Section 4. Each member of Council or their alternate shall be entitled, only when present, to one vote on each proceeding, even if the individual is a representative to more than one club or organization. The president votes only in the case of a tie.
Section 5. Election of officers shall be by secret ballot.
Article VI
General Business
Section 1. Quorum needed for general conduct of business shall be 50% of the total membership of the Agricultural Student Council.
Article VII
Section 1. All funds are to be deposited and handled through the Associated Student Activities.
Section 2. There shall be no dues for the Agricultural Student Council members.
Article VIII
Section 1. There will be two elected faculty advisors on Agricultural Student Council, one to serve as advisor and one to serve as associate advisor. The duties of the advisors shall be to act in an advisory capacity at all Council meetings and Council functions. The advisors must be a member of the University Community.
Section 2. The term of each advisor shall be for two years. The individual shall serve as associate advisor the first year and as advisor the second year.
Section 3. If for any reason the advisor would be forced to leave his/her position, an election will be held for associate advisor, and the associate will then become advisor for the remainder of the two-year term. If the associate advisor is forced to leave, an election will be held for an associate advisor to complete his/her term.
Section 4. An election will be held each year at the 5th regular meeting of Spring, semester to choose a new associate advisor. The associate advisor of the previous year will then serve as advisor for the remainder of the two-year term. The nomination committee will nominate faculty members, with their consent, for the position of associate advisor. The candidate receiving the largest number of votes shall be elected.
Article IX
Section 1. Nominations for officers shall take place on the meetings of the 7th and 9th weeks of the spring semester. Elections of officers shall occur on the 9th week of the spring semester. Nominations and elections for non-officer positions in the Agricultural Student Council will be held at the discretion of the president.
Section 2. There should be a quorum of 50% of the total membership of the Agricultural Student Council to hold nominations and elections.
Section 3. The majority shall be defined as fifty percent plus one of active member votes. If no one candidate receives fifty percent plus one votes, the candidate with the lowest percentage of votes is dropped from the ballot and another vote is conducted with the remaining candidates.
Section 4. One may nominate another for an office/position, if the nominated person is an active member of the organization and he/she is present to accept/reject the nomination. The nominated person accepts the nomination in the presence of the officers, by telling them that he/she formally accepts the nomination.
Section 5. A person nominated for an office/position, who has already accepted the nomination, may decline the nomination anytime before voting in the presence of the officers.
Section 6. Nominations for each office/position must be closed before voting.
Section 7. The club shall vote by secret ballot, and the advisors shall tally the votes.
Section 8. Elections for officer positions shall occur in this order: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian.
Section 9. If a nominee is not elected into the office he/she is running for, he/she may be run for a lower office, as long as a formal nomination is made and accepted.
Section 10. Before or during officer elections, the council shall appoint a member to serve a one (1) year term as student representative to each of the following faculty committees: Academic Standards, Instruction and Curriculum, Student Activities. The council shall also appoint a member to serve a one (1) year term as the College of Ag Science student representative to the Faculty Senate.
Article X
Section 1. The constitution may be revised or amended with a 50% quorum of all members of the Agricultural Student Council and a two-thirds vote of those present at two consecutive meetings. An advisor must be present both times the constitution is voted upon. All proposed amendments shall be submitted in writing. AR amendments are subject to the approval of the USG Supreme Court.
Article XI
Parliamentary Authority
Section 1. The proceedings of the Council meetings and cases not covered in the Constitution shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised by Sarah Corbin Roberts et al. 2000, 10 the edition.
Article XII
Section 1. Copies of the Agricultural Student Council Constitution will be made available to anyone upon request.
Article XIII
Duties of Representatives
Section 1. It shall be the duty of each club and independent representative to attend all meetings of Agricultural Student Council or provide for a specific alternate, if needed.
Section 2. It shall be the duty of each club representative to report all pertinent Council transactions and activities to the club they represent.
Section 3. It shall be the duty of each club representative to be responsible for correspondence from the club which they represent to the Council and for arranging, correspondence to the Ag Sci Student News.
Section 4. It shall be the duty of each active member to actively serve on at least one committee as set forth in the program of activities.
Section 5. It shall be the duty of each club representative to inform the election committee of replacements of representatives in their club.
Article XIV
Section 1. The following committees will serve as standing committees for the Agricultural Student Council: Social, Finance and Awards, and Professional Development and College Coordination. The President has the right to appoint ad hoc committees if the need arises.
Section 2. The Executive Committee shall be made up of all elected officers, advisors, and the committee chairs on the Council. The Executive Committee shall attend to all affairs of the organization, but its acts shall not conflict with action taken by Council.
Section 3. The following committees shall exist as permanent sub-committees of the standing committees stated in Article XIV section 1: Mushroom Stand Committee in the Finance and Awards Committee; The Ag Hill Olympics Committee in the Social Committee; and the Spring Agri-Fling Committee in the Social Committee.
Section 4. Each standing committee shall have one (1) or two (2) committee chairs. Committee chairs are appointed by the President during the first meeting of the fall semester, and if a vacancy is present, during the first meeting of the spring.
Section 5. It is the duty of the committee chair(s) to oversee the progress of their respective committees, coordinate between the committee and the executive committee, appoint subcommittee chairs, and act as a contact person for the committee. The committee chair(s) shall serve as member of the executive committee and make regular reports at regular and executive committee meetings.