This is the second part of a document outlining some common tasks for managing your email lists on the ITS list server (

Subscriber Management

Once you are logged in, your email address will appear on the upper right corner of the screen.

On the left side, click List Dashboard. The List Dashboard displays all the lists that you are allowed to manage.

Selecting A List

If you are responsible for managing multiple lists, you should select a list to work on.

  1. In the List Management to expand the list.
  2. Scroll down the page a little to the List Name section (in blue). Enter the part of the list you want to find.
  3. Click on the number (under Subscribers column).
  4. This will show the people on the list.
  5. Above the list of names, there should be an Add Subscriber (see next section of this How To).

Adding A New Subscriber

In the Add Subscriber section:

  1. Enter an email address of the person you want to add, followed by a name reference for the person.
    ie. Nick Smith
  2. Click Add Subscriber.

You should see a message in the gray area confirming that the new subscriber was added.

Editing Or Deleting A Subscriber

You can edit or delete a subscriber using the Subscribers section (list of name).

To Search:

Enter some part of their email address or name in box under Subscribers. It will automatically search so you can find the person.

Some search tips:

  • "@" or "." displays all subscribers.
  • "" displays all Penn State-related email addresses.
  • "smith" displays subscribers named "Smith" as well as "Smithers" and "Messersmith".
  • An asterisk can be used to represent zero, one or more than one characters.

To edit subscriber, select their name/email from the list and click the Name link. Make any modifications and click Save.

To delete a subscriber, select their name/email from the list and clicking Delete Subscribers at the very bottom of that section.

Helpful Listserv Email Commands

To review what lists a person is subscribed to:

1. Send an email to
2. Do not type anything in the subject line
3. Type the following command in the body of the email (put the user ID of the person after the word for)
4. Q * for
5. Example: Q* for xyz123
6. This will send you a list of what listservs a person is signed up for that you are an owner of.

To review a listserv:

1. Send an email to
2. Do not type anything in the subject line
3. Type the following command in the body of the email (put the name of the listserv after the word review)
4. Review
5. Example: Review L-Ag-IT-Fanclub
6. This will send you information on how the list is set up and who the subscribers are.
