On-Demand Resources from Penn State Extension

View short videos and recorded webinars

Penn State Extension is a modern educational organization dedicated to delivering science-based information to people, businesses, and communities. Click on any of the resources below to view a recorded webinar or video provided by our expert educators.

Animals and Livestock

California Mastitis Testing for Dairy Cows

In this video, you will learn how to perform a simple mastitis test called the California Mastitis Test. This test will help to decrease mastitis on your farm.

Crossbreeding Dairy Cattle With Beef Semen

In recent years, the use of beef semen to breed dairy cows has increased at a dramatic rate. This video will explore a research program designed to investigate the outcomes of those crossbred matings, the calves.

Designing Efficient Feeding and Handling Facilities for Sheep and Goats

Producers can decrease feed waste and save time by learning about the recommended feeder sizes and designs for goats and sheep.

Horse Manure and Pastures: Fertilizer Value and Other Considerations

Discuss the benefits and environmental risks of horse manure on pastures during this informative event!

Horses and Ticks Don't Mix - Protecting Your Horses From Tick Bites

Learn ways to protect your horses from tick bites this summer!

Penn State Particle Size Separator (PSPS)

The Penn State Particle Size Separator (PSPS) is an effective tool to help determine proper particle length and feed distribution in dairy rations and forage samples.

Poultry Houses - Biosecurity

Minimizing introduction and spread of potentially harmful organisms is critical on commercial poultry farms. This video demonstrates how to safely bring a visitor onto the premises.

Raising Pigs 1: Farrowing

Knowing a little about what is happening to the sow and piglets during farrowing can help farmers better care for their breeding swine herd, and improve piglet care during the birthing process.

Rotational Grazing for Horse Farms

Make the most of your pasture acreage using rotational grazing!

The Strip Yield Test

In this video, you will learn about an easy test that can be performed on your farm to test if overmilking is occurring. With these results, you can monitor unit removal as well as adjust unit take-off to reduce stress on teat ends.

Forests and Wildlife

Asian Jumping Worms: Another Forest Foe

Asian Jumping Worms are an unusual and destructive pest of eastern USA forests. They rapidly consume an important layer of organic matter and lock up soil nutrients. Learn more about them.

Do Lichens Cause Harm to Trees?

Lichens are often thought to be a pest or disease to trees and shrubs.

Fire in the Woods

Two types of fires occur in northeastern US forests: wildfires and prescribed fires. Discover their differences, and how one type is used as a tool to better manage forests.

Invasive Shrub Control Strategies

Invasive shrubs are especially difficult to eradicate. Learn when and how to apply control measures, including herbicides, to control these undesirable plants.

Non-Lead Ammo for Deer Hunting

The unintended impacts of lead bullet fragments and a non-lead solution are examined in this video.

Tree of Heaven: Control Strategies

Tree-of-heaven is especially difficult to eliminate. Learn when and how to apply control measures, including herbicides, to eradicate this prolific tree.

Why Does Lumber Need to be Dried?

After lumber is sawn from the log it must be dried before it can be put into use. The forest products industry spends a lot of time and money to dry lumber and this video explains the reasons why.

Woodland Reptiles: Snakes and Turtles

Forest dwelling reptiles are widely distributed but seldom seen. Their important and diverse roles in ecosystems and their physical adaptations are fascinating to learn about.

Young Forest Habitat Improvement for Wildlife

Young forests are critical for wildlife, and they can be improved for increased food and cover. This video presents two simple methods.

Water Resources

Agricultural Erosion and Sediment Control Planning Resources

In Pennsylvania, the area of agricultural land disturbance determines if a farm needs an Agricultural Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (Ag E&S Plan). Learn more about why these are important, if your farm needs a plan, and available resources.

Community Science Tool - First Investigation of Stream Health (FISH)

Learn to use FISH online tools for monitoring stream health, stream changes and updates.

How To Use the Penn State Drinking Water Test Kit

This video will walk you through how to use the Penn State drinking water test kit to successfully analyze the quality of your drinking water.

Protecting Dogs and Animals from Harmful Algae Blooms

Learn about harmful algae blooms and their possible toxins during this live webinar.

Roadside Guide to Clean Water: Manure Storage and Application

Manure is a great resource for farms because it contains valuable nutrients that benefit growing crops.

Roadside Guide to Clean Water: Riparian Buffers

A riparian buffer involves planting or retaining trees, shrubs, or tall grasses along the banks of rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds.

Solving Bacteria Problems in Wells and Springs

This video discusses various steps homeowners can take to solve or treat bacteria problems in wells, springs and cisterns used for drinking water.

What Are You Doing for Clean Water?

There are lots of ways that you can be actively involved in ensuring clean water for you and your family and for the environment.