The Alumni Fellow Award is the most prestigious award presented by the Penn State Alumni Association. This program is designed to invite outstanding alumni and leaders to the University to share their special expertise in informal contacts with students and members of the faculty and administration.
Jennifer Beidel, class of 2003, College of Agricultural Sciences, and class of 2006, Penn State Dickinson Law.

Fredrick Metzger, Jr. '81 Agr, founder and medical director of the VCA Metzger Animal Hospital in State College, PA.

Jeffrey Conrad '83 Agricultural Business Management, President and Founder of AgIS Capital LLC; Daniel Eichenlaub '78 Architectural Engineering, President of Eichenlaub, Inc.

I. Miley Gonzalez '82 Agricultural Education; James Zallie '82 Food Science, President and CEO of Ingredion Inc.

Theodore S. Katsigianis ‘75 M.S. , ‘79 Ph.D Dairy Science, Vice President of Agricultural Sciences, The Biltmore Company

Russell C. Redding '82 Agricultural Education, '99g Agricultural and Extension Education, Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture

Steven Leath '79 Plant Science, President, Iowa State University

MeeCee Baker ’82 B.S., ’94 Ph.D. Agricultural Education, Chief Operating Officer and Managing Partner of Versant Strategies

Tawfik Y. Sharkasi '84 Ph.D. Food Science, Vice President of Innovation for the Asia Pacific Region of the William Wrigley Jr. Company

Gloria DeGrandi-Hoffman, '80g Entomology, Research Leader and Center Director of the U.S.D.A Carl Hayden Bee Research Center

Louis Galliker III, 1956 Dairy Science, Chairman/President of Galliker Dairy Company

John D. Gearhart '64, director of the Institute for Regenerative Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

Catherine E. Adams ’79, Food Science; President and CEO, RdR Solutions Consulting, LLC

David N. Geise '68 Agronomy. David N. Geise is president and CEO of Furmano Foods of Northumberland, Pa., the largest family-owned tomato procesor in the eastern United States that is over 80 years old.

David Denlinger '67 B.S., Entomology. David L. Denlinger of Worthington, Ohio, is a Distinguished University Professor of Entomology at The Ohio State University.

Edward Frank Kocjancic '54 B.S., Forestry. He was president of Edward F. Kocjancic, Inc., Consulting Foresters, in Kane, Pa. He practiced forestry for 47 years--37 years as a consultant.

Alec J. Beliasov, Katherine Browne Perry, Joseph J. Speroni
Dean Girton '60 B.S. Dairy Science. Girton is owner and president of Girton Manufacturing Company Inc., which produces and distributes dairy and food processing equipment worldwide.

Dr. Richard Grubb '58 B.S., '61 M.S. Ag. Economic and Rural Sociology, '71 Ph.D. Higher Education. Retired senior vice president and dean emeritus of the Penn State Commonwealth Educational System and former Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture

Stuart Patton '43 B.S. Dairy Husbandry. Adjunct Professor, Department of Neurosciences, School of Medicine, University of California, San Diego

M. Michael Arjmand, '75g and '78g, is CEO of Centre Analytical Laboratories in State College, Pa.

Barbara Howell Raphael '72, Donald B. Josephson '60

Associate Director of Alumni Relations
Development and Alumni Relations
240 Agricultural Administration BuildingUniversity Park, PA 16802
- Email
- Office 814-863-1373
Associate Director of Alumni Relations
Development and Alumni Relations
240 Agricultural Administration BuildingUniversity Park, PA 16802
- Email
- Office 814-863-1373