Penn State Extension celebrates milestone in engaging Spanish-speaking growers

February 14, 2024

Latino agricultural professionals recognize the need to stay informed about new practices and technology advancements through continuing education. However, opportunities to learn in their native language of Spanish often are limited.

Penn State Extension delivers bilingual produce safety educational programs

October 29, 2021

With funding from USDA NIFA award number 2017-70020-27236, Penn State Extension educators from the Food Safety and Horticulture teams developed bilingual Produce Safety educational materials and delivered trainings to Latino Fresh Produce Growers and Farmworkers in Pennsylvania.

Vaccine Hesitancy Among Latinx: Developing Trust for Effective Community Engagement

April 14, 2023

Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching & Engagement (EXCITE) is an initiative funded through an Interagency Agreement with the USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to address health disparities by reducing vaccination hesitancy. At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Latinx community was over-represented in coronavirus cases and more likely to suffer severe health outcomes and harder economic impact. Despite Extension’s long history as a trusted source of information, effective messaging requires more than providing materials in Spanish to reach Latinx communities. Science-based, unbiased education credentials do not guarantee trust and acceptance from hard-to-reach audiences. Recognizing this, Penn State Extension developed strategic partnerships within the community to conduct education to reduce vaccine hesitancy among Latinx. A bilingual post-project survey indicated the target audience was reached, with 71% reporting the campaign increased their trust in the vaccine, 93% feeling the vaccine is safe (somewhat to very), and 93% feeling it is important for others to get vaccinated for health.

Penn State Extension Marks Milestone in Outreach to Spanish-speaking Growers

November 3, 2021

Jorge Manzo of McCleaf’s Orchard in Adams County inspects buds on a kiwi vine. He is one of many Spanish-speaking growers who take part in bilingual agricultural education provided by Penn State Extension.

4-H Partners with Migrant Education for Diversity Program

January 11, 2022

Penn State Extension's 4-H program in Lehigh County recently partnered with the Pennsylvania Migrant Education Program to deliver lessons about diversity to school-age children.

Office of Access and Equity


205 Ag Administration Building
University Park, PA 16802