December 3, 2024
Penn State Extension is excited to announce the launch of its new Facebook page, Penn State Extension en Español, a dedicated platform to serve the Spanish-speaking community.

February 8, 2024
Beekeeping can be a rewarding endeavor, providing additional income to households and positively impacting crop production through essential pollination services. In this engaging Spanish-language webinar series, expert Penn State instructors guide participants through the fundamental aspects of beekeeping, including the intricacies of honey bee behavior, the necessary equipment for successful beekeeping, valuable hive products and managing potential threats. The series also delves into the year-round care required to keep bees healthy and productive. Whether aspiring beekeepers or honey bee enthusiasts, the webinars empower learners with the knowledge and skills needed for successful beekeeping in a Spanish-speaking context.

January 10, 2024
This resource, in Spanish and English, is part of a series on "Cross-cultural Relationships in the Workplace." It will provide useful information to apply strategies to create a positive diversity climate in your organization.

August 30, 2021
Si Usted está buscando información sobre agricultura, Penn State Extension es el puente entre la ciencia que se investiga en Pennsylvania State University y Usted como parte de la comunidad agrícola. Por lo tanto, Penn State Extension proporciona información imparcial en la que se puede confiar. Usted encontrará información sobre diferentes temas agrícolas, incluyendo de hortalizas, frutas de árboles, bayas, uvas, lácteos, seguridad alimentaria de granjas, nutrición y salud y más en el sitio web de Penn State Extension. Usted puede encontrar la información de contacto de todos los educadores en el Penn State Extension directorio.

August 30, 2021
When you are looking for agriculture information, Penn State Extension is the bridge between the science conducted at the Pennsylvania State University and you, as part of the agriculture community. Two ways to connect to Penn State Extension are through the internet at our website and through our network of Extension Educators. At the Penn State Extension website, you will find information on different agriculture topics including vegetables, tree fruit, berries, grapes, dairy, farm food safety, health and nutrition, and more. Contact information for all of us is on the Penn State Extension website directory.

November 4, 2021
Social Media
Office of Access and Equity
205 Ag Administration BuildingUniversity Park, PA 16802
- Email
- Office 814-863-0082
Social Media
Office of Access and Equity
205 Ag Administration BuildingUniversity Park, PA 16802
- Email
- Office 814-863-0082