Joslyn Neiderer

  • Team Marketing Coordinator
301a Ag Administration Building
University Park, PA 16802

Areas of Expertise

  • Public Relations, project management


  • MA, Johns Hopkins University, 2016
  • BA, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, 2004

Joslyn Neiderer is the Team Marketing Coordinator for the Food Family and Health and Food Safety and Quality teams at Penn State Extension. In this role, Joslyn is charged with managing day-to-day marketing tasks for the teams, including but not limited to project management, distributing press releases, and placing social media ads.

Joslyn has been with Penn State since 2011, working in various public relations and media relations capacities, including positions in the Eberly College of Science, the Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing, and Strategic Communications in the Office of the President.

Joslyn received her BA in English and creative writing from Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania in 2004 and a master’s in science and medical writing from Johns Hopkins University in 2016. She is a member of the National Science Writers Association.

In Joslyn’s free time, she does freelance science writing and enjoys spending time with her three children and pets (a dog and rabbit), baking, knitting, and doing other crafts.