John Ewing, Ph.D.

John Ewing, Ph.D.

  • Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Education
  • Professor of Agricultural and Extension Education
101 Ag Administration Building
University Park, PA 16802

Areas of Expertise

  • Teacher Preparation
  • Experiential Learning


Teach Locally and Think Globally? Using Community to Prepare the Next Generation, Letot, Carson, Foster, D, Curry, K, Miller Foster, M, Ewing, John, Sharma, Priya, 2023

Understanding Latinx Farmers in Pennsylvania to Meet Their Needs for Non-Formal Education
Horticulturae, Huerta-Arredondo, Ilse A., Huerta-Arrendondo, Ilse, Sanchez, Elsa Selina, Ewing, John, 2023

Virtual Mentoring in Agricultural Education: Describing Digital Literacy, Technology Self-Efficacy, and Attitudes Toward Technology of Secondary Agricultural Education.
Journal of Agricultural Education, Morey, Tiffany, Foster, D, Ewing, John, 2023

Charting Change: Exploring the Changes in Global Perceptions in an Embedded Program.
NACTA Journal, Letot, Carson, Ewing, John, Miller Foster, M, 2023

Global Background: Describing the Role of Universities in Preparing Pre-Service Educators to Teach Globally., Letot, Carson, Foster, Daniel, Curry, Kevin, Ewing, John, Miller-Foster, Melanie, 2023

Determinants of Participation of Young famers with and without disability in Agricultural Capacity-building Programs Designed for the Public in Uganda
Sustainable Agriculture Research Archives, Agole, David, Baggett, Connie, Bremman, Mark, Yader, Edgar, Makoni, Sinfree, 2021

Determinants of cohesion in smallholder farmer groups in Uganda
Advances in Agricultural Development, Agole, David, Baggett, C., Yoder, E, Brennan, Mark, Ewing, John, Baggett, C, Ewing, J, Beckman, Matthew, Beckman, Matthew, Biryabaho Matsiko, Frank, Matsiko, Frank, 2021

A Review of Theories related to Inclusive-Capacity Building of People with Disabilities
Workforce Education Forum (WEF), Agole, D, Ewing, J, Baggett, C, Webster, Nicole, 2019

Important leadership skills for career and technical education administrators
Career and Technical Education Research, Fleck, Joey, Threeton, Mark, Ewing, John, 2019

Concluding thoughts as editor: Great past, exciting futures
The Agricultural Education Magazine, Ewing, John, 2018

Technology Use Among Youth While Operating Farm Equipment
Journal of Agromedicine, Gorucu, Serap, Murphy, Dennis, Foster, Daniel, Hanagriff, Roger, Ewing, John, 2018

Editor comments: Taking the advocacy approach
The Agricultural Education Magazine, Ewing, John, 2018

Staying connected
The Agricultural Education Magazine, Ewing, John, 2018

Active Teaching and Learning Strategies to Enhance Student Learning
The Agricultural Education Magazine, Radhakrishna, R, Ewing, John, 2018

Diversity matters
The Agricultural Education Magazine, Ewing, John, 2018

STEM in agricultural education
The Agricultural Education Magazine, Ewing, John, 2018

Something for everyone
The Agricultural Education Magazine, Ewing, John, 2018

An examination of safety and health practices in agricultural mechanics
Career and Technical Education Research Journal, Threeton, Mark, Ewing, John, 2017

Occupational Safety and Health: A View of Current Practices in Agricultural Education
Journal of Career and Technical Education, Threeton, Mark, Ewing, John, Evanoski, D, 2015