“It shall be the objective of this fraternity to promote the profession of agriculture, to establish, foster and develop high standards of scholarship, character, leadership, and a spirit of fellowship among all its members; to create and bond together a body of outstanding technical men and women who, by scholarly attainment, faithful service, and maintenance of ethical ideals and principles, have achieved distinction and are capable of honoring achievement in others. To strive for breadth of vision, unity of action, and accomplishment of ideals; to commend all worthy deeds, and, if fraternal welfare demands, to counsel with its members.”


The Morrill Chapter of Alpha Zeta hosts many different activities for their members. These activities include academic and social events as well as philanthropic events. A list here gives a brief description of what Alpha Zeta does.



Alpha Zeta is highly involved in THON. Members take part in house canning events throughout the semester as well as hosting events benefiting THON. Alpha Zeta is a recognized THON organization and has two dancers entries each year. Most recently Alpha Zeta has been paired with a THON family and regularly interacts with Chase, their THON child.

Pancake Breakfast

The pancake breakfast is a yearly event hosted by the fraternity house where all proceeds from this event are donated to the Wounded Warrior Project.

Other Community Service

  • Blood Drives
  • Highway Clean Up
  • State Days of Service


Chapter Meals

This event is regularly held within the house and provides an opportunity for everyone to interact with each other both in the house and with outside students in the college.

All are welcome to these events.

Formal Dances

Alpha Zeta also hosts formals each semester which provides a chance for members to enjoy an evening with each other in a different setting.
Spontaneous Events- Occasional outings to the ice-skating rink, movie theater, HUB late night and other events are often held by the chapter.


Professional Speakers

Alpha Zeta hosts many distinguished members of agriculture through professional events. Most recently Alpha Zeta hosted President Rodney Erickson during a banquet held at Alpha Zeta. Other distinguished guests at this event included several professors as well as the Dean of the College of Ag.

Contact Us

Information and updates about the chapter can be found by joining our Facebook Page, “Rush Alpha Zeta”

Questions and comments can also be directed to our Alpha Zeta email:

Personal contacts for the President and Rush Chair also include: