Ag Journeys

“I discovered that ag is about farming and a whole world more.”

Nelson DiBiase

Major: Agricultural and Biorenewable Systems Management

Good at: Skiing, biking, woodworking, soccer, public speaking, organizing, inspiring, climbing, hiking, whitewater, cooking, taking care of plants, making up song lyrics, being picky about coffee, swan diving off of high ledges, math

“I considered dropping out. And then ag happened.”

“I started on a different academic path. And don’t get me wrong, it was great. But something was just missing for me. Then I found the BioRenewables Systems major and everything changed. From day one, they let me know that they wanted me here. They let me know that if I brought my A-game, that not only would I grow, but the whole experience would be better for everyone.”

“I’m a kid from Normalville.”

Normalville, Pennsylvania, is only 140 miles away from University Park, but it might as well be a different universe. “There were 38 kids in my graduating class, and now I’m here with 48K.”

“Stay at my place.”

“I’ve been a ski racer since I was a kid.”

“I joined the Penn State ski team my freshman year and it’s been a huge part of my life here. We were at a competition in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. People seemed to come out of the woodwork to tell me their Penn State story. But it was more than comradery. People wanted to help me any way they could. I got a private tour of a local solar facility from a Penn State alum who took me under his wing.”

“I didn’t join a club. I started one.”

“I wanted a way to connect with other Penn Staters who were committed to sustainability.”

“There didn’t seem to be a great forum, so I invented one, the Penn State BioRenewable Systems Club. Through the club we’ve toured local agriculture and industry that are committing to going green. I’ve learned and worked with students and faculty from other colleges at Penn State who share my focus.”

Hop on your bike.

You’re just minutes from all kinds of awesome trails.

I felt like I hit the lottery

“I walked in the door at Ag Engineering and my mind was blown.”