Ag Journeys
Jason Huang
Hometown: New Taipei City, Taiwan
Major: Agribusiness Management
Minor: Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Good at: Playing basketball and video games, trying and falling in love with hoagies, listening to music while enjoying Taipei’s skyline, traveling to different countries.
“I’ll help a small farm run like a business.”
“Min yi shi wei tian is a Chinese saying that translates to ‘food is the highest priority for people.’ That’s what drives my education. There’s lots of challenges in the world, but they are all second in importance to this most basic human need. If you look around the world, at home in Taiwan, here in State College, and everywhere else, not everyone is getting enough food. We can be part of that solution.”
Always wear long pants.
“I’m a city kid. I remember going to my grandparents’ farm to work and getting eaten by mosquitos. I can still hear my grandfather’s words: ‘Farming is real work. Wear long pants.’”
Penn State is fun.
“Basketball for hours at the IM Building. Video games with friends. Conversations with classmates. Fresh air. Penn State is full of opportunities, but it’s also lots of fun. Oh, and hoagies. I come from a sophisticated food culture, and I think hoagies are maybe the best thing in the world."
It’s the people at Penn State.
“I’m meeting people from all around the world. Americans, of course, but students from across Asia, Africa, Latin America—everywhere. It’s fascinating to see how people think differently. My first roommate was from Saudi Arabia. Such a smart, funny guy. His thinking was shaped by the part of the world he comes from. I think these friendships will outlast my time at Penn State.”
The skills to contribute.
“The classes are great. I’m gaining different perspectives on how firms sell their agricultural products, how ag businesses operate, and how to solve ag-related issues. These remarkable learning experiences are hard to obtain in my country. They fit my career goals because I can bring experience and knowledge to the world and contribute to our society. ”
World class help.
“My adviser, Chrystal Wheeler, worked closely with me to plan my life at Penn State. She helped me through the first year when I knew nothing about the University. With her guidance, I’ve been able to identify and achieve my goals.”