Erie County

Something for Everyone.

4-H is a dynamic youth development program that lets young people learn new and exciting things, make friends and have fun all at the same time. This year, the 4-H/Youth Development Program in Erie County will reach over 3,000 young people from the area. Erie County 4-H’ers participate in a variety of projects including sewing, archery, bicycling, rocketry, cooking, wildlife and animal science.

Children between the ages of 5 and 8 may participate in 4-H as Cloverbud members. Look for Cloverbuds listed under club names to find an existing program for your 5- to 8-year old or ask any club leader about adding Cloverbuds to their club.

Erie County 4-H


Summit Township Building, Suite 400
1230 Townhall Road West

Erie, PA 16509

Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.