The Need For Your Support
The trials are too important to be funded solely by the government. The past decade has seen the erosion of state and national support for agriculture as a whole. Support for floriculture is even more precarious. To ensure the future of Pennsylvania floriculture and the PennState Trial Gardens at the Southeast Research and Extension Center, an endowment has been created - the Penn State Extension Floriculture Endowment.The idea, of course, is to fund the Landisville Trial Gardens and Penn State's educational Extension programming surrounding floriculture for today's good work and for future generations.
Just as the seeds gathered by the agriculturalists who came before us have found places in our greenhouses, nurseries, and gardens, so the donations made to this endowment will flower in continued innovation and unbiased research.
What Is An Endowment?
Endowments are established through gifts from individuals, businesses, and organizations to support the Extension Floriculture Program in perpetuity. The endowment is invested and a portion of the fund's value is awarded annually to support the Landisville Trial Gardens.
Who Can Contribute?
Contributions are welcome from anyone, especially from greenhouse growers, suppliers and salespeople, garden centers, landscape consultants, Master Gardeners, advisory board members, and consumers. If flowers make a difference in your life, please make a gift today.

Flower Trial Endowment
Penn State Floriculture Endowment Brochure explains who benefits from your contributions and how to donate.