Catherine Nettles Cutter, Ph.D.
- Professor of Food Science
- Food Safety Extension Specialist - Muscle Foods
555 Curtin Road
University Park, PA 16802
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- Office 814-865-8862
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Areas of Expertise
- Food safety
- Food microbiology
- Foodborne pathogens
- Antimicrobials
- Edible films
- Spoilage
- Meat, poultry, seafood, muscle foods
- Sanitation
- Ph.D., Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina. May 1992. Major: Food Technology; Minor: Microbiology. Dissertation: "Purification and amino acid composition of the Lactobacillus acidophilus N2 bacteriocin, lactacin B."
- M.S., University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut. August 1987. Major: Pathobiology; Minor: Bacteriology. Thesis: "Identification of virulence factors associated with Campylobacter jejuni utilizing an avian system."
- B.S., University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut. December 1984. Major: Pathobiology. Senior Research Project: "Protothecal bovine mastitis."
Assistant Director of Food Safety & Quality Programs, Penn State Cooperative Extension. August 2015-2023.
Professor and Food Safety Extension Specialist-Muscle Foods, Department of Food Science, Rodney Erickson Food Science Building, Pennsylvania State University , University Park, Pennsylvania, July 2013-Present.
Associate Professor and Food Safety Extension Specialist-Muscle Foods, Department of Food Science, Food Science Building, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, July 2005-July 2013.
Assistant Professor and Food Safety Extension Specialist-Muscle Foods, Department of Food Science, Borland Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, July 1999-July 2005.
Microbiologist. USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Roman L. Hruska U. S. Meat Animal Research Center, Meats Research Unit, Clay Center, Nebraska, February, 1992-July 1999.
Scientific Editor, Food Protection Trends, International Association of Food Protection, Des Moines, IA, 2013-present.
Member, National Advisory Committee for Meat and Poultry Inspection USDA-FSIS. Appointed by USDA Secretary of Agriculture, 2006-2008, 2010-2012.
Editorial Board:
Meat Science, 2005-2020
International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2001-2020
Food Protection Trends, 2003-2013
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2002-2004
Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2001-2002
Letters in Applied Microbiology, 1995-2002
Dairy, Food, and Environmental Sanitation, 1995-2002
Journal of Food Protection, 1994-1996
Ad-hoc Journal Reviewer:
Food Microbiology
Journal of Food Science
Journal of Food Quality
Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und Technologie
Journal of Food Safety
Ad-hoc Grant Reviewer, National Research Initiative, Cooperative Research Grants Program, Ensuring Food Safety; 1995-1998, 2002-2010.
Grant Reviewer/Panel Member, National Research Initiative, Cooperative Research Grants Program, Ensuring Food Safety; 1999, 2001.
Ad-hoc Grant Reviewer, Small Business Innovation Research Program, Cooperative Research Grants Program; 1996-2001.
Ad-hoc Grant Reviewer, National Research Initiative, Cooperative Research Grants Program, Food Characterization/Process/Product Research; 2003.
Ad-hoc Grant Reviewer, Israel Binational Agricultural Research & Development Fund, Haim Katz, Coordinator of Research Projects; 2000.
Member, National Pork Producers Council, Post Harvest and Food Safety Advisory Committee, 1996-present.
Research Interests
Controlling and/or improving the microbiological quality and safety of muscle foods; HACCP for meat processors, intervention technologies for reducing pathogens, application and/or delivery systems of food grade antimicrobials to muscle food; antimicrobial films; and development of food safety training programs for food handlers.
Extension Programs
Extension program responsibilities are in the area of food safety, food processing, and meat microbiology. Food safety programs are directed toward the Pennsylvania meat industry, especially the very small to mid-size plants that must meet requirements for federal meat inspection regulations; food safety educational programs for hunters who consume wild game meats; educational programs addressing food safety programs that are directed to county-based Extension educators and Pennsylvania food industry; and development of food safety educational materials, and training programs for meat processors.
- Quality and microbial food safety of beef, poultry, fish, exotic meats
- HACCP for meat processors
- Rapid methods for microbial detection (Food Microbiology Shortcourse)
- Sanitation Shortcourse
- Food Defense
- Venison 101
Outstanding Research Award; 2023. Penn State University Chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta.
Fellow, International Association for Food Protection; 2023. The Fellow Award honors and recognizes IAFP Members who have contributed to the Association and its Affiliates with distinction over an extended period of time.
LaMarr Kopp International Achievement Award, Penn State University; 2021. This award recognizes faculty members who make extraordinary contributions (leadership, support for international education, service to the international community and research with a significant international component) to the advancement of the international mission of the University.
Gamma Sigma Delta International Foundation Distinguished Achievement Award; 2019. This award is made to a Gamma Sigma Delta member who has made major contributions to agricultural and related sciences in the areas of teaching, research, extension and/or other service.
Fellow, Institute of Food Technologists; 2016. The Fellow designation is an honor bestowed upon an IFT member by their peers to recognize exemplary professionalism in the field of food science.
Outstanding Volunteer Award, Institute of Food Technologists, 2012; Food Microbiology Division
Distinguished Extension-Industry Service Award, American Meat Science Association; 2011; This award recognizes outstanding achievement in meat science extension and service to the industry.
Outstanding Extension Award; Penn State University Chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta, 2010
Distinguished Service Award, Institute of Food Technologists, Food Microbiology Division, 2008
Recipient of Casida Professorship for Food Safety, College of Agricultural Sciences, Penn State University, 2002-2006
Second Place, 2005 Food Safety Award; National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, Pennsylvania Affiliate
Honorable Mention, “Extension Food Safety in Pennsylvania,” Northeast Extension Director’s Award of Excellence, 2004
Achievement Award, American Meat Science Association, 2001; This award recognizes young AMSA members who demonstrate significant scientific skills in muscle foods research and technology that contribute to the animal products industry and the AMSA.
USDA Secretary of Agriculture’s Group Honor Award for Personal and Professional Excellence, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1995
Certificate of Appreciation, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1997, 1999
Certificate of Merit, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1994
Graduate Student Leadership Award, Clemson University, 1989
Development of a Laminated Antimicrobial Film and an Evaluation of Pilot-Scale Processing, Cutter, Catherine, Bedford, Brittani, 2024
Food Safety Manager Course Manual
Penn State Extension, McGeehan, Nicole, Onopa, Jennifer, Hirneisen, Andrew, Reed, Stacy, McDonald, Sharon, Kralj, Richard, Bucknavage, Martin, Schweichler, Anna, Cutter, Catherine, 2024
P1-18 Assessment of YouTube Videos for Vegetable Home Fermentation Misinformation
2024 IAFP Annual Meeting, Williams, Jasmine, Acharya, Sujan, Cutter, Catherine, LaBorde, L, 2024
P3-107 Waste Not, Want Not: An Exploratory Study of Food Donation Systems and Safety in Central Pennsylvania
2024 IAFP Annual Meeting, Connolly, Charles, Bucknavage, Martin, LaBorde, L, Kumar Chaudhary, A, Cutter, Catherine, 2024
Effect of Storage Conditions on Stability of Laminated Antimicrobial Films, Mencl, Heidi, Cutter, Catherine, 2024
Beef Safety During Slaughter, Fabrication, and Further Processing, Yoder, Sally L.Flowers, Hardin, Margaret D., Henning, William R., Cutter, Catherine N., 2024
ICOMST 2023 Annual Meeting, Bedford, Brittani, Stefanick, Veronica, Godshall, Rachel, Cutter, Catherine, 2023
Effectiveness of Laminated Antimicrobial Films made with Chitosan and Lauric Arginate Against Microorganisms Associated with Beef
IAFP Annual Meeting, Stefanick, Veronica, Bedford, Brittani, Godshall, Rachel, Cutter, Catherine, 2023
AMSA RMC Annual Meeting 2023, Hunt, Heather, Mills, Edward, Cutter, Catherine, Campbell, Jonathan, 2023
Scheinberg, J. A., R. Radhakrishna, and C. N. Cutter. 2023. The development and pilot test of a face-to-face food safety training program for farmers’ market vendors in Pennsylvania
Journal of Extension, Scheinberg, Joshua, Radhakrishna, R, Cutter, Catherine, 2022
Development and Assessment of a Food Safety Training Program for Farmers’ Market Vendors
Journal of Extension, Scheinberg, Joshua, Radhakrishna, Rama, Cutter, Catherine, 2022
Fate of salmonella spp., listeria monocytogenes, and campylobacter spp. during fermentation and drying of duck salami
Food Protection Trends, Watson, Samuel, Cutter, Catherine N., Campbell, Jonathan A., 2021
Comparison of Viability qPCR and Culture-Based Quantification in Challenge Studies
IAFP Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts-P3-102, Connolly, C., Kovac, J, Cutter, Catherine, 2021
A guide to proper care and handling of fish from stream to table-Revised, Cutter, Catherine, 2021
Proper field dressing and handling of wild game and fish-Revised, Cutter, Catherine, 2021
A Food Safety Laboratory Curriculum Significantly Improves Knowledge, Behaviors, Attitudes, and Handwashing Skills of Laboratory Personnel in East and South Africa
Food Protection Trends, Ercan Oruc, D., Pokharel, S., Hirneisen, A., Cutter, Catherine, 2021
Influence of seed:water ratio and shredding time on dehulling process of pigeon pea
HSPA Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, Fasoyiro, Subuola, Hovingh, Rebecca, Gourama, Hassan, Cutter, Catherine, 2020
A comprehensive food safety short course (FSSC) improves food safety knowledge, behaviors, attitudes, and skills of Ukrainian participants
Journal of Food Science Education, Ercan Oruc, Duygu, Pokharel, Siroj, Anantheswaran, Ramaswamy C., Bucknavage, Martin W., Gourama, Hassan, Shanina, Olga, Cutter, Catherine N., 2020
Development and evaluation of pullulan-based composite antimicrobial films (CAF) incorporated with nisin, thymol and lauric arginate to reduce foodborne pathogens associated with muscle foods
International Journal of Food Microbiology, Hassan, Abdelrahim H.A., Cutter, Catherine N., 2020
Hot water sanitization of a commercial mushroom disk slicer to inactivate Listeria monocytogenes
Food Control, Tobin, Hilary, Lele, Saurabh, Cutter, Catherine N., Anantheswaran, Ramaswamy C., LaBorde, Luke, 2020
Effect of DNA Extraction Method on qPCR Efficiency for Pathogens in Ground Beef., Connolly, C., Kovac, J, Cutter, Catherine, 2020
Thermoplastic starch/polybutylene adipate terephthalate film coated with gelatin containing nisin Z and lauric arginate for control of foodborne pathogens associated with chilled and frozen seafood
International Journal of Food Microbiology, Pattanayaiying, Rinrada, Sane, Amporn, Photjanataree, Penchom, Cutter, Catherine N., 2019
Survival of acid-adapted and non-adapted Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli using an in vitro model
Food Control, Rivera, Minvera, Rivera-Reyes, Minerva, Minerva, Rivera-Reyes, Campbell, Jonathan A., Cutter, Catherine N., 2019
Pathogen reductions during traditional fermentation and drying of pork salamis
Food Protection Trends, McKinney, Samantha, Ostiguy, Nancy, Cutter, Catherine, Campbell, Jonathan, 2019
A comprehensive needs assessment of food safety practices of farmers’ market vendors in Pennsylvania using direct concealed observations, self-reported surveys, and state sanitarian surveys
Food Protection Trends, Scheinberg, Joshua A., Radhakrishna, Rama, Campbell, Jonathan A., Cutter, Catherine N., 2018
A needs assessment of practices and procedures in African food safety testing laboratories
Food Protection Trends, Pokharel, Siroj, Machado, Robson A.M., Cutter, Catherine N., 2018
Training hard-to-reach Pennsylvanian cheesemakers about food safety using a low-tech training tool
Food Protection Trends, Machado, Robson, Cutter, Catherine, 2018
Development, Dissemination, and Assessment of a Food Safety Systems Management Curriculum for Agribusiness Students in Armenia
Journal of Food Science Education, Pokharel, Siroj, Marcy, Joseph E., Neilan, Angela M., Cutter, Catherine N., 2017
Stability and safety of maize–legume-fortified flours stored in various packaging materials
Zeitschrift fur Lebensmittel -Untersuchung und -Forschung, Fasoyiro, Subuola B., Gourama, Hassan, Cutter, Catherine N., 2017
Sanitation indicators as a tool to evaluate a food safety and sanitation training program for farmstead cheese processors
Food Control, Machado, Robson A.M., Cutter, Catherine N., 2017
Prevalence and phylogenetic characterization of Escherichia coli and hygiene indicator bacteria isolated from leafy green produce, beef, and pork obtained from farmers' markets in Pennsylvania
J.MILK.FOOD TECHNOL., Scheinberg, Joshua A., Dudley, Edward G., Campbell, Jonathan, Roberts, Beth, DiMarzio, Michael, DebRoy, Chitrita, Cutter, Catherine N., 2017
Creating a Food Defense/Response Plan in Food Processing Facilities
Food safety of farmstead cheese processors in Pennsylvania: An initial needs assessment
Food Protection Trends, 2017
Farmers’ Market Food Safety Guide, Scheinberg, J, Bucknavage, M, Doyle, S, Cutter, Catherine, 2017
Commercially Available Rapid Methods for Detection of Selected Food-borne Pathogens
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, Valderrama, Wladir B., Dudley, Edward G., Doores, Stephanie, Cutter, Catherine N., 2016
Fate of spoilage microorganisms associated with the production of pickled sausage using a cold fill process
Food Protection Trends, Gaydos, Nelson J., Gourama, Hassan, Scheinberg, Joshua A., Cutter, Catherine N., Campbell, Jonathan A., 2016
Creating a Food Defense/Response Plan in Food Processing Facilities, Lorenzen, C, Cutter, Catherine, 2016
Pullulan: A Suitable Biopolymer for Antimicrobial Food Packaging Applications
ANTIMICROBIAL FOOD PACKAGING, Trinetta, V, Cutter, Catherine, 2016
Change in water activity and fungal counts of maize-pigeon pea flour during storage utilizing various packaging materials
Procedia Engineering, Fasoyiro, Subuola, Hovingh, Rebecca, Gourama, Hassan, Cutter, Catherine, 2016
Change in water activity and fungal counts of maize-pigeon pea flour during storage utilizing various packaging materials
HumTech2016 Conference Proceedings, Fasoyiro, Subuola, Hovingh, Rebecca, Gourama, H, Cutter, Catherine, 2016
An assessment of food safety handling practices at farmers' markets in Rhode Island using a smartphone application
Food Protection Trends, Vandeputte, Elizabeth G., Pivarnik, Lori F., Scheinberg, Joshua, Machado, Robson, Cutter, Catherine N., Lofgren, Ingrid E., 2015
Optimization of formulations for pullulan films containing lauric arginate and nisin Z
LWT, Pattanayaiying, Rinrada, H-Kittikun, Aran, Cutter, Catherine N., 2015
Use of the smartphone application "food safe surveys" for data collection during direct concealed observations
Food Protection Trends, Machado, Robson A.M., Scheinberg, Joshua A., Pivarnik, Lori F., Cutter, Catherine N., 2015
Incorporation of nisin Z and lauric arginate into pullulan films to inhibit foodborne pathogens associated with fresh and ready-to-eat muscle foods
International Journal of Food Microbiology, Pattanayaiying, Rinrada, H-Kittikun, Aran, Cutter, Catherine N., 2015
Diversity of CRISPR loci and virulence genes in pathogenic Escherichia coli isolates from various sources
International Journal of Food Microbiology, Jiang, Yun, Yin, Shuang, Dudley, Edward G., Cutter, Catherine N., 2015
Efficacy of Antimicrobial Pullulan-Based Coating to Improve Internal Quality and Shelf-Life of Chicken Eggs During Storage
Journal of Food Science, Morsy, Mohamed K., Sharoba, Ashraf M., Khalaf, Hassan H., El-Tanahy, Hassan H., Cutter, Catherine Nettles, 2015
The efficacy of short and repeated high-pressure processing treatments on the reduction of non-O157: H7 shiga-toxin producing escherichia coli in ground beef patties
Meat Science, Jiang, Yun, Scheinberg, Joshua A., Senevirathne, Reshani, Cutter, Catherine N., 2015
Food Safety Poster: Control Food Temperatures, Cutter, Catherine, Bucknavage, M, 2015
Food Safety Poster: Cool Foods Quickly, Cutter, Catherine, Bucknavage, M, 2015
Food Safety Poster: Prevent Cross-Contamination, Cutter, Catherine, Bucknavage, M, 2015
Food Safety Poster: Wash Hands, Cutter, Catherine, Bucknavage, M, 2015
Countertop Food Safety Training Program for Cheesemakers, Machaco, R, Cutter, Catherine, 2015