Marketing Unit Dashboard


Who We Are: The Marketing unit is responsible for developing and implementing marketing strategies across teaching, research, and extension that are designed to: enhance and support the mission; position the products and services; and advance the vision of the College of Agricultural Sciences. 

What We Do: We serve as a strategic partner with departments, units, and offices to execute integrated marketing strategies that help faculty, educators, and staff reach their goals.

Our Team: Ten teams comprise the unit. The staff is composed of marketers, designers, writers, editors, web strategists, developers, relationship database administrators, data analysts, event planners, customer service representatives, and more.  

How We Work: The Marketing unit categorizes work in 3 ways: Initiatives, Projects, and Requests. Below is a brief overview of these categories.  


Initiatives are larger efforts that often require heavy resources and are designed to make significant impact on college and unit marketing and operational goals. Initiatives receive an alignment score based on a set of criteria that allow us to better prioritize. Some of the criteria include client impact, estimated project length, and impact on operational and financial performance. 

Initiatives will go through 5 phases:



Projects require collaboration across multiple teams to provide a product, client deliverable, or marketing asset for a broader campaign.

Projects will go through 4 phases:

Project Chart (2).jpg


A request submitted through our public, client-facing request queues are routed to specific teams or individuals depending on the selected topic. A request can either be converted to a project or assigned to a specific team member, who will complete and close the request.

Requests will go through 3 phases:

Request Chart.png

This collection of dashboards will show upcoming, active, and completed work within the Marketing Unit.