The cornerstone of effective community capacity building is the active involvement and ownership of local citizens in planning, decision-making, and efforts to enhance local well-being. This adaptive capacity is reflected in the ability of people to manage, utilize, and enhance those resources available to them in addressing local issues and needs. Achieving this capacity helps ensure stable governance, social justice, gender equity, sustainable livelihoods, social inclusion, and educational equity for citizens of all ages, but especially young people. It also directly shapes local stability, security, and adaptability.

Major goals of this program include: a) efforts to measure, define, and understand community and its development; b) assessments of local asserts and needs; c) efforts to bring together representative populations to form coordinated action efforts; d) identify and development specific training for community groups in methodologies so they can address problems/needs locally; and e) develop visions and plans to meet the general needs of our localities. To meet these goals, a series of objectives have been developed:

Program objectives:

1. To improved community involvement and civic engagement

2. To increased alliances and coalitions for citizen mobilization

3. To increased public advocacy of issues effecting communities

4. To increased resident satisfaction with groups they belong to

5. Make more resources available to communities and citizen groups

Community and Youth Capacity Building Program

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Our Partners



 University of Galway

Bosserman Center for Conflict Resolution