Building resilient communities through innovative climate solutions and sustainable practices
Farmers and food producers face increasing risks from climate instability, including flooding, drought, and invasive species. We are uniquely positioned to address these challenges through its expertise in climate-smart agricultural practices and its role as a trusted source of science-based information.
The livelihood of our communities and citizens depends on their health, which is a product of the foods they consume, the environmental quality of where they live, and the viability of the local economy. Farmers and food producers face increasing risks associated with flooding, drought, invasive species, emerging contaminants, and increasing loss of biodiversity. Corporations and governmental agencies are driving policies and practices to mitigate impacts of climate changes, but skepticism remains among some politicians and the general public that human activity is responsible. Agricultural and forest systems offer unique opportunities to provide solutions and mitigation, but there is no guiding vision for managing climate change or communication strategy to improve public understanding about the challenges and choices that are presented. Penn State is uniquely positioned to serve in a pivotal role in addressing climate instability because of Pennsylvania's strong seasonality; repeated invasions of pest insects, plants, and diseases; adoption of climate-smart ag practices; breadth of environmental conditions; and the University's stature as a trusted and unbiased source of science-based information.
Framing Question
How might the College of Agricultural Sciences develop and work toward a shared vision of agricultural and natural ecosystems that is resilient to climate instability and fosters a better public understanding of our coordinated research through targeted and intentional communications and engagement?
Office for Research and Graduate Education
217 Agricultural Administration BuildingUniversity Park, PA 16802-2600
- Email
- Office 814-865-3136
Office for Research and Graduate Education
217 Agricultural Administration BuildingUniversity Park, PA 16802-2600
- Email
- Office 814-865-3136