Deaf History Month (USA)
Greek-American Heritage Month (USA)
Irish-American Heritage Month (USA)
Mental Retardation Awareness Month (USA)
National Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness Month (USA)
National Multiple Sclerosis Education and Awareness Month (USA)

1 ........ Ala - Fast Begins (Bahai)

2 ........ Great Lent begins (Christian Orthodox)

3 ........ Hina-Matsuri - Festival of Dolls (Shinto)

8 ........ International Women's Day (UN)

10 ....... Purim (Jewish)

10 ....... Holi (Sikh, Hindu)

10-12 .. Hola Mohalla (Sikh)

10-20 .. Gahambar Hamaspathmaedem (Zoroastrian)

15 ....... Butter Lamp Festival (Tibet)
17 ........ St. Patrick's Day (USA)

19 ........ St. Joseph's Day (Christian)

19 ....... Spring Feast (American Indian)
20 ........ Eostre (Wicca)
20 ........ Naw Ruz (Zoroastrian, Baha'i)

20 ....... Spring O-Higan (Buddhist)

21 ........ Shunki-Korei-Sai (Shinto)

21 ....... Now Ruz (Iran New Year)
25 ........ Annunciation (Christian)
28 ........ Birth of Prophet Zarathustra (Zoroastrian)