Robert E. Mikesell

Robert E. Mikesell

  • Teaching Professor
  • Undergraduate Program Coordinator, Animal Science Major
109E Animal, Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences Building
University Park, PA 16802

Areas of Expertise

  • Undergraduate Services and Curriculum
  • Food Animal Systems
  • Livestock Odor Assessment and Reduction
  • Animal Industries


  • Ph.D., Animal Science, The Pennsylvania State University, 2002

Areas of Interest

  • Odor Management
  • Expansion of PA Animal Agriculture

Work History

  • 2006-Present Senior Instructor, The Pennsylvania State University
    Teach Animal Science 100 “Introduction to Animal Industries", and portions of Animal Science 300 “Integrated Animal Biology", AN SC306 "Swine Production and Management", AN SC 290 "Careers in Animal Agriculture", and AN SC 291 "Externship with Animal Science Business".
  • Implement Cooperative Extension large-scale livestock facility siting assessment service. 

Grants Funded

  • 2005-17 State Conservation Commission Odor Management Support and Site Assessment Programs. Approximately $35,000 per year
  • 2014-17 “Vegetative and Riparian Biffers for Environmental Stewardship and renewable Fules on Poultry Farms". Co-PI. Conservation Innovation Grant, NRCS. $290,650
  • 2011     “Swine Manure Odor Reduction Using a Humic Amendment: On-Farm Demonstration". $40,000 from NRCS.
  • 2010     Assessment of odor mitigation potential of swine manure using JDMV Holding, LLC manure amendment. $20,846 from industry partner.
  • 2006     Pennsylvania “Porktopia" Promotion. $15,500 matching grant from PDA for Pennsylvania Pork Producers Council.
  • 2005     Pennsylvania Pork “Taste of Elegance" Competition. $15,000 matching grant from PDA for Pennsylvania Pork Producers Council.
  • 2004     Promoting Pork to Pennsylvania Hispanic Markets Through Outdoor Advertising. $16,500 matching grant from PDA for Pennsylvania Pork Producers Council.
  • 2003     “Distributing 'Enduring Values of Pork' Curriculum Materials to Pennsylvania Middle School Classrooms". $25,000 matching grant from PDA for Pennsylvania Pork Producers Council.
  • 2002     “Promoting Pork in Pennsylvania Metropolitan Areas Through Outdoor Advertising". $40,000 matching grant from PDA for Pennsylvania Pork Producers Council.
  • 2001     “Increasing Fresh Pork Sales Through Retail Meat Case Category Management". $42,500 matching grant from PDA for Pennsylvania Pork Producers Council. 

Recent Publications, Articles, and Manuscripts Published

  • Mikesell, R. E. 2016.  “Technical Advances in the Commercial Swine Industry" Country Focus, PA Farm Bureau article
  • Mikesell, R. E. 2016.  “ Grant and Loan Opportunities for Starting Your Farm". PSU Extension Start Farming Blog.
  • Mikesell, R. E. 2015 “We are… One State!" Lancaster Farming article
  • Mikesell, R. E. 2015. The Smell of Success. Hoard's Dairyman, June 2015. P 420

Recent Abstracts and Posters Presented

  • Brandt, R. C., E. F. Wheeler, H. A. Elliot, and R. E. Mikesell Jr. 2011. Swine manure odor reduction efficiency of a humic amendment." American Chem. Soc. 242nd ACS National Meeting and Expo. Denver, CO.
  • Mikesell, R. E.  2008. Considerations for siting new and expanding poultry farms. Proc. National Poultry Waste Management Symposium. Des Moines, IA.
  •  Mikesell, R. and Karl Dymond.  2008.  Pennsylvania's odor siting index. Proceedings of Mitigating Air Emissions from Animal Feeding Operations.  Iowa State University, Des Moines, IA. pp: 11-14.

Curriculum Materials Developed

  • Mikesell, R. E. and M. M. Baker. 2005. Animal Science Biology and Technology, 3nd edition. Delmar Learning, Clifton Park, NY.
  • Mikesell, R. E. and M. M. Baker. 2005. Animal Science Biology and Technology, 2nd edition. Interstate Publishers, Danville, IL. (Now Prentice Hall).
  • Mikesell, R. E. and M. M. Baker. 2000-2006. Large Animal Science Lesson Plans. The Ag Ed Network, a division of Stewart-Peterson, Inc. Available at Over 100 lesson plans published to date.
  • Mikesell. R. E. and M. M. Baker. 1997. Animal Science Biology and Technology Teacher's Resource Guide. Interstate Publishers, Danville, IL. (Now Prentice Hall).

Environmental Extension Activities Initiated

  • 1999-2017. Site Evaluation Service for new or expanded large-scale livestock facilities. Over 475 sites evaluated.
  • 2007. Developed Pennsylvania Odor Siting Index in response to Act 38 ACRE legislation.



Biosecurity in the PA Swine Industry, Mikesell, Robert, Hines, E, 2019

Electronic Feeding Stations (ESFs) for Gestating Sows, Mikesell, Robert, 2018

Odor: Perception, indexing and mitigation., Mikesell, Robert, 2017

Technical Advances in the Commercial Swine Industry, Mikesell, Robert, 2016

Grant and Loan Opportunities for Starting Your Farm, Mikesell, Robert, 2016

The Smell of Success, Mikesell, Robert, 2015

We are....One State!
Lancaster Farming, Mikesell, Robert, 2015